More Hepatitis A Vaccination Clinics Added
The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department is scheduling two additional Hepatitis A vaccination clinics for food service workers in Kanawha and Putnam counties. Nearly 500 people received vaccinations at the May 25 clinic and the wait time was less than 10 minutes for that clinic. The vaccination clinics will each last from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and there’s one today at the Charleston Civic Center. Also Thursday, May 31, Putnam County Courthouse, second flood in the old courthouse, and Friday, June 1, at St. George Conference Center on Court and Lee streets. A second clinic has been added Friday at the Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church at 2848 Putnam Ave. in Hurricane. The health department will bill the cost of the vaccination for anyone who has insurance coverage. No payment for co-payments or deductibles is required, the release said. Those food service and restaurant employees without insurance coverage will receive the vaccinations at no cost.